Perry Partridge #1: Peril in a Pear Tree

A partridge in a pear tree

Perry Partridge #: The Dual Dilemma

Two tough turtledoves

Perry Partridge #3: Poursuivi à Paris

Three French Hens

Perry Partridge #4: Crime Comes Calling

Four calling colly birds

Perry Partridge #5: Bedlam in the Belltower

Five golden rings

Perry Partridge #6: Fowl Play

Six geese a-laying… a golden egg

Perry Partridge #8: Udder Madness

Eight murderous maids a-milking

Perry Partridge #9: High Kicks & Misdemeanors

Nine ladies dancing

Perry Partridge #10: Rain of the Saltating Sovereigns

Ten lords a-leaping

Perry Partridge #11: Pipes of Plunder

Eleven pipers piping

Perry Partridge #12: The Paradiddle Predicament

Twelve drummers drumming

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